Hugh Tousey

Hugh is a business professional with over 35 years of management consulting,  auditing and training experience working in chemical processing, distribution, manufacturing, service,  transportation, and  assembly environments.

He is a Exemplar  Global Quality Management System Lead Auditor, Exemplar Global  Environmental Management System Lead Auditor, Exemplar Global Occupational Health & Safety Management System Lead Auditor, and a certified RC14001  Responsible Care® auditor.

Hugh has a degree from MATC and is an ASQ  Certified Quality Engineer who has worked in the following industries:  aeronautic, automotive, part  content, chemical processing and chemical  distribution, electronic,  electrical, electromechanical, service,  transportation and plastics.

He has provided training in areas  such as: SPC, Problem Solving, APQP,  FMEA, PPAP, Control Plans,  Metrology and Internal Quality Auditing.  Hugh has been involved in the  implementation of management systems since 1994 and has worked with a  large number of organizations as a Lead  Auditor for audits to support  successful registration for the following  standards: ISO 9001, IATF  16949 (formerly TS), ISO 14001, RCMS, RC 14001, ISO/IEC  17025, ISO 15189, ISO 13485,  ANSI/Z10, ISO 45001, and AS9100  standards.

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